John Lewis - The Bear and the Hare
Sublime stop frame and miniature sets in this Christmas spot directed by Elliot Dear and Yves Geleyn in joint production between Blinkink and Hornet. All the characters were drawn and animated by legendary animator Aaron Blaise over in LA before being painstaking cut out to create a kit of puppets to be used on our sets- they were then beautifully re-timed and animated by Andy Biddle.
We lit and shot the miniature sets at Clapham Road using interactive projection backgrounds for some shots, and a selection of skies that I'd shot to match Yves' colour keys.
Produced by Kev Harwood, and lovely Production design by John Lee.
british arrow award 2014 (gold) - best integrated
british arrow award 2014 (silver) - best over 90 second cinema commercial
british arrow award 2014 (silver) - best over 90 second tv commercial using paid-for media
creative circle awards 2014 (gold) craft, film, digital & radio - best animation in film or digital
creative circle awards 2014 (gold) film - best cinema
creative circle awards 2014 (silver) best film production design
creative circle awards 2014 (silver) film craft - best direction
creative circle awards 2014 (silver) best tv single